Saturday, March 17, 2012

Android Virtual Device on 64-bit Linux

So I was trying to create a new Android Virtual Device (AVD) and it didn't work...

So I did a quick search and found an article on
All right, I was able to figure out the problem. The short of it is that I was using 64-bit Linux and had not installed the ia32-libs package, so the mksdcard utility was not working correctly. After installing this package, I was able to complete the step of making a virtual device.
So I took the advice and ran this:
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
And then I was able to make my AVD.


  1. Hello! Patrick
    You will continue to resolve the issues of course MITx6.002?
    Please I would like to continue seeing the explanations in relation to other exercises.

    Thank you,
    Eliana Gomes

    1. Hi Eliana,

      Sorry, I stopped working on the problems from MITx 6.002x as I found I didn't have enough time to continue with the course.

      I hope your studies are going well.

